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Brandon is amazing. My wife and I were looking to buy a home in one of the hottest (and most frustrating) markets and felt sincerely blessed to have Brandon on our team. He stuck with us when we were looking all over, helped us focus and target an area, and then helped us craft an offer that won a bidding war on our forever home. But that wasn’t it, oh no: we had the most ridiculous appraisal experience imaginable and Brandon truly stepped up. He called/emailed/texted us with updates regularly, was in contact with our lender and the appraisal company, and, without a doubt, kept the deal moving forward. And after all of that, he sat through closing with us (amazingly, he didn’t fall asleep) and if that wasn’t awesomeness to the max and way above and beyond the call of duty: he also gave my wife and I an extremely thoughtful house warming present. So, if you are looking to buy (or sell) a home, you won’t find a better friend/agent than Brandon.